E-commerce industry use cases
Help e-commerce companies improve brand awareness and product exposure, increase access and repurchase rates, increase customer stickiness, and generate more economic benefits

Applicable Products
Verification code
E-commerce platform users receive SMS verification codes, complete registration, quickly log in and change passwords, which greatly improves account security. At the same time, improve the user registration experience and improve customer conversion rate.

Marketing SMS
Send information such as new user benefits, shopping discounts, and new promotion activities on the e-commerce platform to consumers through marketing text messages, with links to guide users to jump to the platform experience, complete low-cost customer acquisition, and seize overseas markets
SMS Marketing Solutions

Reduce customer acquisition costs
Using marketing SMS to reach users, the marketing activity has a high delivery rate, attracts users to download and use, buffers the high cost of other customer acquisition channels, and improves ROI.

Improve user experience